
How to Bypass Geo-blocking to Access Content with Firefox Extension for Free.

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ProxMate is add-on which lets its user bypass the geo-location based restriction to access your favorite content or service(s). ProxMate is available for all the popular browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.

Why you should use Proxmate (according to author)?

  1. Faster – Claims to be faster than VPN.
  2. Pluggable – ProxMate allows you to pick exact package of the service(s) which you would like to access.
  3. Secure – SSL will stay SSL.
  4. Open Source – No more secrets.
  5. Support.

Developer(s): Personalitycores.
Language support: English
Home page: ProxMate
Download: Add to Firefox

HOW TO: Installing ProxMate on Mozilla Firefox:

1. Go to ProxMate Mozilla add-on page, or simply click on the above download link and click on “Add to Firefox“.


2. If Mozilla Firefox asks user permission for installation of addon. Click “Allow” to continue installation, leave it to abort.

3. ProxMate installation box pops-up. Click “Install Now” to continue installing add-on, “Cancel” to abort installation.


4. On successful installation, ProxMate doesn’t require restart to activate the add-on.


HOW TO: Using ProxMate on Mozilla Firefox:

1. On successful installation, you will notice ProxMate button at top right side of the browser, next to Mozilla’s “Open menu“.


2. Click on it to install the package(s). You need to install specific package to bypass specific service restriction. For sake of testing, I tried Vevo.


3. Before and after installing the ProxMate’s Vevo package.


HOW TO: Disable/Remove ProxMate from Mozilla Firefox:

1. Click on the Firefox, located at left upper corner of the web browser and go to “Add-ons”.

or press “Alt“, Menu bar pops-up, then go to Tools > Add-ons, or you can simply use shortcut key “Ctrl+Shift+A” to access add-on (extension) manger.

2. Now, click on “Disable” to disable the add-on temporarily or click “Remove” to remove the add-on permanently from the browser.


NOTE: Both options doesn’t require restart for the actions to take effect.